Psalm 4 and 1 Kings 18:16-39
Reading through the Bible, the prophets and others often come across as harsh and demanding. David begins Psalm 4 by commanding, “Answer me when I call to you.” I’m pretty sure that if I called home and talked to my wife like that, I would be sleeping on the sofa tonight. Yet David says this and then explains in verse 3, “know that the Lord has set apart the godly for Himself; the Lord will hear me when I call to him.” As believers in Christ Jesus, we are granted a special access to God that others do not possess. God is perfect, and as a result He by nature can have nothing to do with those who live in sin.
Because of the work of Jesus on the cross, our sin is taken away and replaced with His righteousness. James tells us in 5:16 that “the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” Clothed in the righteousness of Christ, the Lord not only hears our prayers but answers every one of them. Sometimes we don’t receive the answer we think we should, but God does answer them. Take heart in knowing that you have access to the throne of God thanks to the man who died for your sins.
Prayer: Lord, help me to understand that You hear me when I call to You. Allow me to be bold when I ask You for things, knowing that You are more than capable of accomplishing everything I ask. Remind me Father that there is nothing too big that You can't handle, and nothing too small that is in Your care. Amen.