Psalm 8

When you want to worship God in your private devotions Psalm 8 is the first text you should read. It reminds us of these eternal truths: God is majestic, He rules over everything, He is sovereign, He is the Creator, He sets all things in their place, He orders all things, and He controls all things. He loves and cares enough about us to create us in His image and likeness and to place us in a world that is just right for us. He has made all that we see and every beast, bird and fish falls under His direction and control. Perhaps, most importantly, He has given us His Son and crowned Him with glory and honor.

Fix your mind on this picture of our Heavenly Father. He who loved us so much did not spare His only Son, but sent Him to give His life for us. There are very few things the Lord wants from us; worship being one of them. He alone is worthy of worship, and He directs the form of how we should worship Him and calls us to prepare our hearts appropriately. In your prayer today, approach God through this Psalm and be reminded of who He is and what He has done for us.

Prayer: Lord, today I am mindful of Your mighty works and Your love for me.  Come with Your Holy Spirit that I might worship You in accordance with Your Word and will.  Fix in my mind the truths of Your character that I might live this day in worship and obedience.  In Your Son's name I pray.  Amen.

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