Isaiah 40:28-31

The prophet Isaiah addresses us like we have lived in a cave all of our lives and we don’t know what life is really like. “Don’t you know…haven’t you heard!!!” Isaiah seems shocked that there might be some in his audience who have no idea that the Lord grants strength to those who are His. The prophet then goes on to describe this strength. Sometimes the Lord grants incredible strength to “mount up with wings.” At other time the Lord enables some to run and not grow weary. But those times in life are not all that common. Yes, the Lord grants us extraordinary power or ability when the situation calls for it, but most of us are concerned about everyday life. That’s where the last phrase comes in, “walk and not faint.” This is where most of us spend our lives, walking the walk of faith. It is here in the day-to-day things that God grants us the ability to face life at work, at home, at the grocery store or wherever we are.

Don’t think for a moment that the stamina you need is not ready to be given to you by our Heavenly Father. The promise in Isaiah is clear: the God who is everlasting and has all power wants you to be able to withstand whatever the world will throw at you.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I pray that You will make me aware of Your strencth and that I will rely upon it in all that I do, think, and say.  Make me aware of Your power so that when I stumble or grow weary I will know that You are there to sustain me.  In Jesus' name.  Amen

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